
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Blizzard want to push the Apple system iphone games Warcraft or register

June 24 news, Blizzard's Greg Street when in an interview with Eurogamer that Apple's operating system is very attractive Blizzard, perhaps in the future development of online games will be on the phone plan.

"I know of you here will have an iphone or ipad, only Apple hardware has such a large number of fans." Greg said: "If we are at the right time to make some choices, I think both sides are mutually beneficial. This decision will not do it in a week or two, but this is indeed our recent consideration. "

Q: Such words came out, we again turn their attention to World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft because of these words means the ios version already has a strong possibility.

"I think many game companies do not understand why we have such a wide range of hardware is not available in our game community now that we have made the PC a very good result, if this really necessary, we will consider in a multi-platform to carry out our plan. "

"Over the years the emergence of many great games, but truly epoch-making can only be considered a" major disaster "and released, and we have been improved in all aspects, in order to hope to have more players to join us the ranks. "

Q: Does Blizzard really considered it a brilliant achievement transferred to another platform, to bring us more surprises?

Greg: "I am very happy to do so as a game developer, change is necessary, we must step with the times, the game up in the development of better systems of course will be taking risks that, because players make a can not understand the game, even if the platform has a longer fashionable or sophisticated systems, the light will not let the game come forward. "

When it comes to Blizzard's mission is to make games faster and more extended upgrade package, Greg hinted for World of Warcraft, it also has a strong vitality.

Greg: "I admit that the rich content for the online upgrade is the key to success, but I want to tell you is that Blizzard has done in this very perfected if we look back four years ago when You can see how the progress of Blizzard's big, of course this achievement will not let us stop the development of more content to the player's footsteps, please rest assured that public players. "

In the interview, talked about a variety of problems, but the end of the recall interview content, most of us excited about the future of Apple or Blizzard launched online message system.

Monday, June 20, 2011

World of Warcraft - Onyxia's Lair's profile continued 2

Saeb Salas city in thousand years ago by the then Master of a group of night elves secretly built, it is used to protect Queen Azshara's most precious secrets of the Austrian law. Despite the impact of the world's great shock, this great city, where the basic stand and now it is known as Dire Maul. This remains the city is divided into three sections, were occupied by different organisms - including the ghost-like high elves, the evil ogre Sartre and reckless. Only the bravest dare to venture into the broken ranks of the city hall and face the ancient evil.

Let's go back to the years before the Cataclysm, Feralas is a huge valley at that time part of the valley and across the South Carolina Slim and more in Kalimdor, and finally extended to the far east of a lake, which is now flash plains. Azshara Queen's attendants, the upper elves live here, capital is ere Salas. Elves live a quiet life in the city. Among them, a group known as the powerful arcanist Sindelar.

The outbreak of a large disaster, the Highborne found that they and the link between the Well of Eternity interrupted. Loss of power they become lethargic, seem to escape the fate of defeat. Great Wizard Prince Tuose Delin decided to look for new sources of power, the only feasible way is the enemy of demons who steal their energy.

To this end, the Prince built a lot of magical power to control tower, the tower had a network consisting of a force field, can be permanently trapped by a powerful demon, the elves will be able to absorb the power of the devil, to meet own Magic desire. Elves summoned demon Yimotaer, his being trapped in the force field. Yimotaer can not escape, the elves began to greedily absorb his energy.

However, Tuose Delin did not foresee a problem - the devil's power is not unlimited. Thousands of years later, the source of this magic gradually dried up. Strong desire for power will push the madness the prince, he came up with a solution: kill most Sindelar, and ordered the tower to educate the rest of the Sindelar energy to continue trapped Yi Mota Seoul.

Tuosai Dream has done more than that. Because they have no other power arcanist extract devil, the prince alone to learn for themselves with energy. His strength enhanced to unimaginable realm, but only stay here to maintain this power. So Yimotaer continue trapped arcanist continued to act as Tuosai Dream of slaves, which have a beautiful Saeb Salas has been turned into a ogre-infested ruins.
Now, this place is called Dire Maul.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

World of Warcraft - Onyxia's Lair's profile

lack Dragon Nefarian Princess Aonikesia and the same are the children of the wings of death. No doubt, they finished pieces of inherit his father's cunning and cruelty, Tolerance and restraint, and the Black Dragon Legion that makes the determination to rule the world.

With her brother in hiding in Blackrock Spire and building his own army of different, hoping to destroy opponents through sheer power of the practice, Aonikesia alone Countess of Minputoshia  to sneak into the storm the city, and quickly Win a lot of confidence in the nobility and became an important figure in one of the adjuvant Xiaoguo Wang. Intentionally or unintentionally, under the arrangements in her Stormwind bear has been civil strife, including the Western wilderness, the night the town and the lake throughout the territory of the town, including the outbreak of the crisis of their own, while the central but also unable to support. Only know her through the predicted temperature trends De Sole and identity are still in the disappearance of the Marshal. If this continues, the collapse of the League is only a matter of time, Aonikesia he will leave her one step closer to world domination Black Dragon Legion.

Fortunately, the next series of tasks, the rescued Marshal Wen De Sole, and expose the conspiracy of the Black Dragon Princess, Princess can only be the last Black Dragon Dustwallow Marsh fled back to their lair in the.

Dustwallow Marsh is a damp, dark places, as around the puddles, the horse can not walk long distances, it is boring. The reason here is not become a forgotten corner of the player, contrary voices are often crowded, simply because it - the lair of the Black Dragon Princess Olive Kexi Ya is located here; full T2 set of all players of Warcraft crown ceremony, all To be completed here; the Black Dragon of blood, it is grown up on the sword the only way to Sierra Quayle. Remarkably, the entire world of Azeroth Tesla, the only one for a copy of BOSS set to belong to the great Olive Kexi Ya princess. Black Dragon series of tasks copy of the entrance, the steps of the complex, continuing the long journey of the distance, the circumstances of the rich, the number of people involved ... ... it is called World of Warcraft the most.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A copy of World of Warcraft - Molten Core introduction

Is the "World of Warcraft," the first real copy of Rock Hill is located within the eastern part of the Kingdom of the black depths of Blackrock Depths. Here is the call of the elements by the Blackstone dwarf lords Balrog Ragnaros (Ragnaros) nest. In the Molten Core players need to face the powerful ten BOSS.

Molten Core is largely the creation of three hundred years ago, the war hammer occurs. Thaurissan defeat in combat by the Great Dwarf gates of copper to the foot of Black Rock Hill, when Emperor Thaurissan summoned to turn the tide and going out of the devil to help him deal with the enemy, but the good death is not a bad call out of the ordinary demon called Level things. (Description, when mentioned Blackrock Depths)

He is being summoned, when banished by the Titans back to the fire of the Lord empty elements - Ragnaros, as one of the most powerful elements of lords, the first World of Warcraft forty copies of the final BOSS, Balrog has a strong power.
In ancient times, in order to defend their god of the ancient faith, Ragnaros lords had with the other three elements of Mother Seurat stone Thain, Windrider Aura Kiel and hunting tidal force against those who led the resistance to Putu Long gods, but in the end defeat was imprisoned in the Elemental Plane.

Great breakthrough Thaurissan control it it is saying the same magic in a space-time elements brought the flame back in the black Rock Hill and surrounding areas into an active volcano but also the way to kill Emperor Thaurissan. As for the copper to be Wildhammer dwarves dwarves and the coalition, any of the brain suddenly see so big only the element of fire from the mountains rushed out and ran normal. Bronzebeard Ironforge dwarves home repair and return to Grim Batol found it had rotted Wildhammer dwarves are moved to the Peak. The Dark Iron dwarves becomes Ragnaros's errand child in this world.

And finally return to the world of Azeroth is Ragnaros, into the period of dormancy, the Molten Core, led to the Majordomo flames Walker (Flamewaker) troops, coupled with its lovely pets Magmadar, the wind of two Rebel Prince and Baron Geddon Garr, and the lava from the magma was born with a giant Golemagg empty guard the underground cave.

Years ago, the elements of war, with the two men wind betrayal Prince Sunderland, Sunderland Ragnaros to absorb most of the essence and energy of the remaining seal Sunderland detained by the wind in the Skull Jewelry among the more to the jewelry into two, had betrayed them to the Prince of Calcutta and Baron Geddon.
So the player must first face to face about the death of the war, go to learn the essence of Ragnaros to the resurrection of Sunderland, and then KO it and tossed it into the sword to go inside.

The vanity of Ragnaros the main city in the element called Sulfuron fortress (Sulfuron Stronghold), so not sure Sulfuron in the end is the master of Ragnaros flame elements or their country.

In the Molten Core players need to face the powerful ten BOSS, are: Luxi furlongs (Lucifron) Magmadar (Magmadar) Jihe Corners (Gehennas) Gal (Garr) Baron Geddon (Baron Geddon ) Shasta Lal (Shazzrah) Sulfuron pioneer (Sulfuron Harbinger) incineration Gulei Man (Golemagg the Incinerator) Majordomo and Ragnaros the Firelord himself.