
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Guide Help You to Get Start in World of Warcraft

In this article,we will post some tips for those interested in getting started in World of Warcraft there are hundreds of things that could help you. The best thing you can do though is to simply talk to your fellow players and get a little advice. It will make you feel a lot better if you don’t make a fool out of yourself or waste hours of valuable time. There are thousands of tips and tricks to help you enjoy the game a little better. We know that World of Warcraft is one of the deepest online environments ever created and for that reason more than a few million people have taken up residence there.Now let’s take a look at some of the basics out there that will help you right away to have more fun when getting started.
Tip 1:Reading Your Quest Journal & Talk to City Guards.This is almost a no-brainer, but there is a journal that keeps careful track of what you are doing and how much of it you have done. If you simply type “L” you open your quest journal and have instant access to all of your current quests. It keeps you from earning the scorn and insult of your fellow gamers for asking unnecessary questions. The quest journal not only keeps track of what you’re doing, but where you need to be going.In every city there are NPC guards everywhere. They are perfect for finding directions to things in the massive cities of Azeroth. They not only give you immediate directions to wherever you are going, but they put a little flag on your map to remind you later and keep you from bugging anyone else. If you have any questions that seem slightly too simple to harass other players with, ask a city guard and you should be able to get to where you’re going.
Tip 2:Trade Skills Have Complements & Auto Run is Useful.Don’t randomly choose skills and professions when you get started. If you do, you risk missing the chance to choose the chosen complementary skill and maximize your efficiency. If you choose blacksmithing for example, the complementary gathering skill is mining. If you chose herbalism instead though, you would need to purchase all of your blacksmithing materials from a vendor or another player, wasting large sums of gold in the process.Auto Run is Useful.Many people don’t realize or see that they can turn auto run on easily with the Num Lock key. It keeps you from holding down the run key though and will save you large amounts of time and energy when you’re trying to chat, check your inventory and run at the same time.
Tip 5:Quests are Not Stuck on Race.One thing many people get wrong about the game is that they are stuck with the quests designed for their race. You are not required to only take the Night Elf quests if you are a Night Elf. No matter which race you are, you can utilize any of a variety of different quests from across Azeroth. If you were a human or dwarf for example, you can travel to Teldrassil where quests are easier and quicker to complete. For new players, that means a much quicker approach to the leveling up early in the game.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wow Warrior Talent Tree-Protection leveling specs

All warriors’ essential threat abilities are baseline until at least level 50, when Devastate is available, but all specs remain viable for threat production until at least level 60. Truth be told, warriors at level 80 have all the essential abilities to hold threat on single targets, regardless of spec, but beginning at level 60 you will notice the absence of mitigation, avoidance and threat talents.
Levels 10-34
Levels 10-14: Definitely get Improved Bloodrage. Shield Specialization is good, especially if you want to grind with a 1-hander and shield to avoid building up those weapon skills in addition to 2-handers. Improved Thunder Clap is only good this early if you plan on tanking lots of instances as you level, but don’t use it while grinding unless you’re attacked by multiple foes. Slower enemy swings = less rage & fewer avoided swings = slower grinding.Levels 15-19 : Getting Glyph of Revenge would be wise if you’re using mostly Defensive Stance. Battle Stance may prove more productive since it allows Overpower and doesn’t have a damage penalty, at least until you fill up those avoidance talents. Incite is good for Heroic Strike and the occasional Thunderclap when tanking. Put 2 points into Shield Specialization.
Levels 20-24 : 2/2 Improved Revenge is next because you’ll be using it to do most of your damage in the early levels. After picking up 2/2 Shield Mastery, put your last point for this tier into Anticipation or Shield Specialization, if you still have room, to up your Revenge openings.Levels 25-29 : Use the next few levels to finish out Anticipation. Last Stand and Improved Thunder Clap are good candidates for you last point, but only if you’ve finished out your avoidance talents.Levels 30-34 : Definitely grab Concussion Blow, a great tool for dealing damage and stunning. Gag Order won’t show it’s usefulness until Shield Slam is available at 40, but remains a good choice at these levels. If you haven’t finished out Shield Specialization or Anticipation, do that. Otherwise, finishing Improved Thunder Clap will prove useful for tanking.
Levels 30~65
Level 35-60 : The rest of the talents fall into place from here on. Pick up everything except for Safeguard and possibly Vigilance. You’ll have a spare point to spend to get from tier 8 to 9 – put it in Last Stand or something unfinished.Level 61-65 : Put 5 points in Deflection from the Arms tree. More avoidance is good for tanking and Revenge openings.Fundamental level 65 protection tanking build. This is commonly considered the must-have talent set for effective tanking. The only flexibility here is in Improved Revenge, Toughness, and Improved Thunder Clap, depending on your priorities. Puncture and Improved Spell Reflection are viable alternatives, though less so in Puncture’s case.

Friday, December 17, 2010

How Druid class Is Designed

Druids possess many advantages and almost nonexistent disadvantages once you’ve reached high levels, but before that... things can get really hairy at times, excuse the pun. The Druid class is intended to be protector of the wilds, defender of the great balance, and preserver of life, but unless you’re playing on an RP server, I somewhat doubt that you truly plan on doing anything aside from laying some major smack down on everything from mobs, when leveling, to other players in the arena, to bosses in raids. Creating a Druid is akin to saying you want to have your cake and eat it too, only with icing on top, and perhaps a couple bowls of ice-cream on the side. But all joking aside, Druids have the ability to tank, DPS either from a range or in melee, and play the role of main or backup healer, all packaged into one little (or not so much if you happen to be Tauren) package.
Let not the  low population of Druid’s sway you from your interest. Druid’s are one of the most fun, inventive, and overall powerful (overpowered?) classes in the game, and for good reason considering how the class is designed. However not all things are difficult, if you can manage to get a leveling buddy things will come much easier, given that you could play the role of healer at least for a short period of time while they bring the damage. Additionally, almost immediately upon gaining cat form you’ll notice a marked increase in both damage and overall mana efficiency.  Kill a few mobs, drop out of cat form to put up some heals on yourself, return to killing, etc. Before 4.0 - About the only downside would be relative boredom and slaving away mashing the Wrath key (a fairly weak ranged nuke at low levels) from 1-10 before proceeding to then mash the maul key (your main bear form attack) for another 10 or 20 more.In cataclysm,Druids now get cat form at level 8 and can start their career of ripping and clawing the opposition. Bear form comes at level 15 and you're now a pretty good tank, in addition to being a healer and ranged and melee DPS.

Monday, December 13, 2010

The New Outlands has a Lot of Areas for Farming Wow Gold

In the World of Warcraft’s The Burning Crusade Expansion the new Outlands has a lot of areas which can offer you a surprising amount of gold, if you have your wits about you that is.Market Prices at the auction house are constantly fluctuating, two of the base products of gold grinding in the outlands can almost double in value in the space of a few hours.To pick up Netherweave Cloth I suggest killing the Trolls in the Warmaul Compound in North West Nagrand, There are plenty of mobs to kill and you generally get 1-3 pieces of netherweave per kill, plus you get some Warmaul Beads, which are excellent for getting your rep up with both Kurenai and the Consortium.
In addition, The auction house isn’t the only way though, sometimes you can sell a large amount of something (10+ stacks) for near the auction house value and without it taking its cut. The best part is that there is always a high demand for Netherweave Cloth, so you can nearly always sell this in the trade channel.Farming gold in World of Warcraft is the bane of many players lives, with the new epic flying mounts costing over 5000 gold you are talking some serious grinding time. It is always a good idea before selling anything on the auction house to advertise it in the trade channel for the price or maybe even a little more than you where going to put it on the auction house for. This can leave you kicking yourself if you sold something only for it to appear at twice the price of what you put it on for in an hours time.
You will get a few annoying people offering you ludicrously low amounts, just ignore them and stick to your guns, it will pay when someone wants to buy all you have for more than you were going to sell it for in the first place.This drops nearly everywhere in the outlands, its price varies widely, however on most servers it fluctuates between 4g and 10g, a good time to consider selling this on any server is between 7-8g, it might not be the best price you could get for it, but you wont lose precious gold in auction house deposits.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Power Leveling Tips for wow rogue players

Rogue have a really easy time leveling.Gearing a rogue is, like with most other melee classes during the leveling process, all about maximizing damage while leaving just enough stamina for a reasonable health. In this case your primary statistics will be agility, +critical, +hit, and attack power.At low level Stamina is the only stat you're interested in. After the mid/high teens Agility starts to appear in numbers high enough to be worth stacking. Don't drop the Stam for agility though.
Gouge is your friend. Before you get Garrote, you can run up to an opponent, Gouge, run/jump behind, and backstab. Forget stealth, unless you're avoiding something (or someone.) If you're in trouble then Gouge and run. Ambush is a nice, big whack from behind. it no longer requires daggers, but it hits for a lot more if youi're using them, and you have to be behind the opponent.
Cheap Shot - Run up, stealthed, and whack. Use whatever weapon you have and you don't have to be behind the opponent.
Stun-locking - The idea is too lock up your opponent so that he/she/it is always stunned or incapacitated. One basic routine is.Cheap shot (strike, strike) to Kidney shot (strike, strike) to Gouge, Hop, Backstab to Blind & backstab to kidney shot again. Picking Pockets - You might as well pick the pockets of all humanoids you come across. The cash doesn't amount to much, but you also find potions and the occasional odd item, not to mention lockboxes to use to practice your lockpicking skill. See above for the pickpocket macro.
First Aid - Always keep this skill maxed.
Slice and Dice is great for long fights, but if you're killing mobs in a couple of hits (heirloom gear or whatever) then it's useless. Essential for dungeons, though, where all the fights, especially bosses, are relatively long. Eviscerate - Your standard finisher. Open, strike, strike, strike, BOOM! Keep an eye on the Mob's health, often you won't be able to get to 5 combo points before using Eviscerate.Making plenty of gold isn't a problem,you can refer to other posts in the blog about wow gold guide,and gold making guide.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Some Notes of Power Leveling for Druid Players

Try to take note of which activites make you more efficient at gathering XP per hour. Drop the activites, as much as you can, that are very inefficient and concentrate on those that provide the best return. For example, quests that take you for a loooong trip, but don't provide much XP or other worthwhile return. Those should be skipped unless you can knock off a bunch at once. Like grinding occasionally? See if you can pick up the kill quests (Kill 47 of those mobs over there) that go with the grind.
Always log out at an Inn, you'll get 2x XP for awhile when you come back. If you can set up a second account, or grab a buddy, you can use recruit a friend and get 3x XP.Your XP per kill will be lower but your kill rate will be faster and downtime will be less, more than making up for the reduced XP per kill, especially if you're healing. A Warrior/Druid team can mover very quickly. Try and do more than one at the same time and you will level much faster than just killing off a bunch of mobs (grinding.) Plus you get cash and prizes for completing them. The in-game quest helper is very nice for this. Grinding as you go from quest A to B isn't a bad idea, either.
From time to time you will bump into a group of mobs close enough together, but not too close, to let you kill quickly and with a respawn rate that lets you go non-stop for as long as you care to mash them. It's especially nice when they drop interesting loot. If you find one of these spots then go for it. Make a level 1 alt to do all your banking. When you come across items than can be sold on the Auction House, or have stacks of skins, herbs, or ore to sell, then you ship them to your alt to sell. That way you can pay attention to leveling and don't have to run back and forth from the big city. Instances & dungeons can be great for gaining rapid XP and picking up much better can that you'll find while questing. The in-game Dungeon Finder system is great for this. Dungeoning also allows you to level as a tank or healer. See our Dungeon Leveling Guide for more on how to do this. Each dungeon has a number of quests that go with it. Do those and you'll get a lot more XP.
Always have the biggest bags you can afford and always have an adequate stock of whatever food or supplies you'll need. The goal is to only go back to town when you want to, not when you run out of supplies or bag space. Loot everything, always, and vendor off all the grey junk. Send anything white or better to your bank alt to sell later. If a quest is too hard, or you're on a PvP server and the gankers are out in force, just skip it for now and come back to it later. Or, if you're in a good guild, call in help to do the quest or get revenge. That's what Guilds are for. Grab whatever Potions, Scrolls, and buffing foods that you can find. The better buffed you are the more you will glow, er... the better you'll kill things.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cataclysm is Coming Closer-You Ready?

"Having tried both the Worgen and Goblin starting areas, I can say the Worgen zone definitely has a stronger hook to keep you interested. That's why Thanksgiving is widely considered to be the second-most masochistic holiday of the year, just after "Stub Your Toe Day." While Cataclysm and all its flying-in-Azeroth goodness is still a couple weeks away, we've compiled all of our Cataclysm coverage here, so you can peruse at your leisure on your iPhone from the bathroom of your grandparent's house.In Cataclysm, players will witness the face of Azeroth being altered forever, as the corrupted Dragon Aspect Deathwing awakens from his subterranean slumber and erupts onto the surface, leaving ruin and destruction in his wake.
Building on the foundation established in World of Warcraft and its first two expansions, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm adds a variety of new content and offer players the opportunity to rediscover Azeroth and experience the game from a whole new perspective.Players are be able to adventure as two new playable races, achieve new levels of power, take on challenging quests and dungeons in all-new zones, and experience dramatic changes to familiar aspects of the game in the wake of a world-shattering disaster.As the Horde and Alliance race to the epicenter of the cataclysm, the kingdoms of Azeroth will witness seismic shifts in power, the kindling of a war of the elements, and the emergence of unlikely heroes who will rise up to protect their scarred and broken world from utter devastation.
There are few times in the year when you crave World of Warcraft harder than when you are crammed in a small building with your extended family, far, far away from your lovely computer with its lovely games and comfy chair. Mousing over the indicator shows a little bit of text innocently suggesting that maybe it'll go away, but if you know anything about horror fiction at all then you know this can only end badly." If you read them really slowly over the course of your Thanksgiving break, you can almost pretend that you're playing the text-adventure version of World of Warcraft!