
Friday, October 28, 2011

World of Warcraft history - Mount Hyjal and Illidan's Gift

Survived from the big bang rough night elves climbed the raft, the only visible slowly toward the vision of the land crossed out. Fortunately, in protecting the moon goddess Elune, the Malfurion, Tyrande, and Cenarius had survived the great disaster down. Weary heroes agreed to lead their people survived the establishment of a new home. In the silence of night elves journey, they saw the wreckage of the earth, and realize that it is their magic frenzy led to this terrible disaster. Though Sargeras and his Burning Legion destroyed the Well of Eternity was destroyed, Malfurion and his companions thought they had to pay the price for this victory.
There are still many Highborne in the big bang survived, they and other night elves arrived together on the land. Though Malfurion do not believe these Highborne, but he knew, no Well of Eternity, the wizard does not stir up trouble.
When tired of night elves landed on the coast of the New World, they found the holy mountain of Hyjal in Cataclysm survived. In order to find a new settlement, together with Malfurion and the night elves climbed to the top of the peak of Mount Hyjal. When they are endless mountain overlooking the forest, the elves found a quiet little lake. They fear is that this piece of the lake is full of magical energy of the lake.
From Illidan survived the great disaster, and Malfurion reached Mount Hyjal before. He wants to continue this crazy world of magic source, and he will lake into the Well of Eternity had this piece of small lakes. These lakes are rapidly dissolved in the energy inherent in this piece of small lakes, the lake, forming a new Well of Eternity. Illidan excited that the new Well of Eternity is a preparation for his generous gift of future generations, in his dancing when he Malfurion down. Malfurion explained to his brother, magic is a natural source of confusion, the use of magic will eventually lead to corruption and strife, but the stubborn Illidan refused to give up his magic power.
Illidan's evil plan Malfurion know what kind of consequences will result, so he decided to permanently solve his crazy brother-related problems. The help of Cenarius, Malfurion would Illidan imprisoned in a huge basement, until the end of his life. To ensure his brother's imprisonment, prison officers Malfurion authorized Mawei young film songs as full-time guard Illidan.
Taking into account the destruction of the new Well of Eternity could lead to even greater disaster, the night elves decided to leave it. However, Malfurion declared that the night elves always magic can not be studied. In the interest of Cenarius, they began to learn the ancient Druid magic, learn how to heal scars of the earth, and began planting the foot of Mount Hyjal their favorite trees.