
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Warcraft History - exiled high elves

Hundreds of years later, the night elf society gradually grow, and ash from their lives for generations to expand into a broader valley territory. Widely distributed before the big disaster of wild animals - such as wild boar - in this land re-emerged and become increasingly active. Under the wise leadership of the Druid, Night Elf madding crowd enjoying the quiet life.

However, many of the original Highborne increasingly restless. They can not stand losing magic energy emptiness and began to re-draw the energy of the Well of Eternity, and immersed in the joy of using magic. Highborne that forthright impatience leaders began to publicly criticize Dasileima Druid, calling them cowards afraid to use magic. Malfurion and the druids of Dasileima provocative laugh, and warned the Highborne that any use of magic act will lead to the death penalty. Arrogant Dasileima and his followers on the Ashenvale cast a terrible magical storm in an attempt to force the Druid repeal their laws.

Druids can not number so many compatriots, pain killers, had decided to exile the reckless Highborne. Dasileima and his followers on to get rid of their conservative compatriots are very pleased, they boarded the ships and specially processed towards the sea. Although no one knows them in the violent maelstrom opposite what fate awaits them, but at least they can find a home of their own, one can make them in practice without interference enjoy the magic of their homes. Highborne - or a hundred years ago, Queen Azshara called "Kuierduolei" - finally boarded the east coast of the continent, the continent came to be known as Lordaeron. Where they plan to build their own magical kingdom - Quel'Thalas, and to repeal the night elf goddess of the moon's beliefs and nocturnal habits. Since then, their identities became "elves."

Friday, October 28, 2011

World of Warcraft history - Mount Hyjal and Illidan's Gift

Survived from the big bang rough night elves climbed the raft, the only visible slowly toward the vision of the land crossed out. Fortunately, in protecting the moon goddess Elune, the Malfurion, Tyrande, and Cenarius had survived the great disaster down. Weary heroes agreed to lead their people survived the establishment of a new home. In the silence of night elves journey, they saw the wreckage of the earth, and realize that it is their magic frenzy led to this terrible disaster. Though Sargeras and his Burning Legion destroyed the Well of Eternity was destroyed, Malfurion and his companions thought they had to pay the price for this victory.
There are still many Highborne in the big bang survived, they and other night elves arrived together on the land. Though Malfurion do not believe these Highborne, but he knew, no Well of Eternity, the wizard does not stir up trouble.
When tired of night elves landed on the coast of the New World, they found the holy mountain of Hyjal in Cataclysm survived. In order to find a new settlement, together with Malfurion and the night elves climbed to the top of the peak of Mount Hyjal. When they are endless mountain overlooking the forest, the elves found a quiet little lake. They fear is that this piece of the lake is full of magical energy of the lake.
From Illidan survived the great disaster, and Malfurion reached Mount Hyjal before. He wants to continue this crazy world of magic source, and he will lake into the Well of Eternity had this piece of small lakes. These lakes are rapidly dissolved in the energy inherent in this piece of small lakes, the lake, forming a new Well of Eternity. Illidan excited that the new Well of Eternity is a preparation for his generous gift of future generations, in his dancing when he Malfurion down. Malfurion explained to his brother, magic is a natural source of confusion, the use of magic will eventually lead to corruption and strife, but the stubborn Illidan refused to give up his magic power.
Illidan's evil plan Malfurion know what kind of consequences will result, so he decided to permanently solve his crazy brother-related problems. The help of Cenarius, Malfurion would Illidan imprisoned in a huge basement, until the end of his life. To ensure his brother's imprisonment, prison officers Malfurion authorized Mawei young film songs as full-time guard Illidan.
Taking into account the destruction of the new Well of Eternity could lead to even greater disaster, the night elves decided to leave it. However, Malfurion declared that the night elves always magic can not be studied. In the interest of Cenarius, they began to learn the ancient Druid magic, learn how to heal scars of the earth, and began planting the foot of Mount Hyjal their favorite trees.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

World of Warcraft History - Battle of Grim Batol

At the same time, the war has already been broken in the quiet southern continent fragmented remnants of orcs are to survive for a tough battle. Though Grom Hellscream and his Warsong clan fled the chase, but the death of the eye, and his blood was imprisoned in a cave clan of internment camps in Lordaeron. They staged a riot, but a place of refuge from the orc guards quickly regained control.
Nevertheless, the scouts in the league unaware of the circumstances, a powerful Orc forces still control the wilderness north of Khaz Modan. Dragonmaw clan chieftain - the infamous anti-Cruise with a warlock known as the "Demon Soul" of ancient artifacts in control of the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza and her Red Dragon clan. Since the control of the Red Dragon Queen, anti-Cruz was abandoned Wildhammer Sager Ruimu Bator in to set up a secret army. He plans to use his powerful army and the Red Dragon Army to launch a new war on the alliance, which will be re-scattered orc tribes united and continue their conquest of Azeroth. But his plan failed to achieve by the leadership of a human mage Rhonin destroyed the Demon Soul team, the red dragon queen Alexstrasza from the anti-Cruise control release out.
Fury of the Red Dragon will be Grim Batol fortress destroyed and most of the remnants of the Dragonmaw clan have burned ash. When the alliance will survive the orc dropped into prisoners of war, the resistance to Cruise's bankruptcy plan. Dragonmaw clan's defeat marked the end of Orc tribes, as well as a complete end to the bloodthirsty Orcs violent.

Loss of vigor and vitality of the OrcsAfter a few months, more orc prisoners were put in shelters. With the shelter over the full, the Union had mountains in the southern plains Otter Mubarak on the construction of new shelters. In order to better maintain and supply the growing number of shelters, the Kingdom of Lordaeron, King Terenas levied a new member to all Union taxes. The new taxes and escalating border dispute makes the alliance into a very unstable state. All aspects of the situation seems, the human kingdom in the darkest and most difficult period may be signed at any time the treaties were torn up.
In the political turmoil at the same time, many shelters, they began to notice the orc guards had prisoners confusing changes. Orc trying to escape the escape of even their internal fights are significantly reduced, animals and people become more and more indifferent lethargy. Although it's hard to believe, but Orc - this was the most aggressive on Azeroth's races - began to lose the desire to fight. This strange phenomenon that baffled and coalition leaders continue to affect the rapid breakdown of these orcs.
Some people think that is a strange disease that only infected Orc Orc into a pair of sleepy look. But Dalaran Archmage Antonidas proposed an alternative hypothesis: the study of his history can understand all the orcs after the orcs Antonidas find the strength has been affected by the devil for several centuries. He believes that as early as the orcs invaded Azeroth for the first time before the lure has been the power of the devil and fallen. Obviously, the devil poisoned Orc blood in exchange, they gave orcs extraordinary strength, endurance and aggressive.
Orc Antonidas abnormal sleepiness behavior that is not a disease but a long time so they become scary, bloodthirsty demon magic faded consequences. Although such symptoms are obvious, but can not find a cure for the orcs Antonidas method of the present situation, and many of his apprenticeship, and some well-known leaders of the Coalition for the Orcs to find that the method of treatment is purely risk-taking behavior. Orc carefully examined in the current state of the mystery, the orcs Antonidas that the only cure is through spiritual force.

Friday, October 21, 2011

World of Warcraft History - Ice Crown and the Frozen Throne

Kil'jaeden will bloom Ner'zhul cold container back to the soul of the world of Azeroth. Crystal hard across the night sky, falling in the desolate cold of Northrend continent, buried in the bottomless Icecrown Glacier. Trapped the soul of Ner'zhul ice shell is itself hit by the outbreak of the surface distortion of the tremendous energy, the formation of a Throne, Ner'zhul idea that the soul is full of revenge on the attachment in this throne.

Frozen Throne, Ner'zhul began in the field with the release of his ideas and thoughts Northrend's indigenous biological exposure. He was very easy to control a number of local biological ideas (such as ice trolls and fierce Wendigo), and enveloped them in their growing shadow. Ner'zhul found his spiritual power is almost unlimited, so he uses this power established a small unit, so that they are stationed in Icecrown maze. In fear of the devil under the surveillance of the Lich King more powerful control of his troops, and the edge of the keel found a wasteland of human settlements. Ner'zhul decided to use these unsuspecting humans to test his strength.

Ner'zhul was released to the cold wasteland of dead from the Frozen Throne deep in plague. He will control the souls of the plague, import it into the human village. In less than three days, the village in all human beings are dead, and then in a very short period of time, the dead villagers into zombies. Ner'zhul could feel their souls and minds of each person, if that is the same as his own. Wail echoed in his mind that he becomes more powerful - just like their soul is his much-needed nutrition. He found these zombies to control the actions and assign them to do anything easy.

In the next few months, Ner'zhul continued to direct his plague swept across the continent of Northrend every human settlements. When he was growing when the souls of the army, he knew the real test of coming.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

World of Warcraft history - the birth of the Lich King

Ner'zhul and his orcs entered the Twisting Nether - this is an endless darkness in all the world to connect with Inner Senses. Unfortunately, Kil'jaeden and his men are here waiting for the devil Ner'zhul arrival of his party. Kil'jaeden Ner'zhul had vowed to pay the price for his disobedience, and he brutally tortured the old shaman, his body cut down piece of meat. Kil'jaeden well preserved with Ner'zhul's soul, let him endure the pain of dismemberment. While Ner'zhul begged the devil to release him and make him happy soul to die, but the devil only answer him in cold blood, they set a long time ago are still valid under the deed of blood, so Ner'zhul still be of value.
Orcs are not as Legion wished to conquer the world of Azeroth, which had forced Kil'jaeden to establish a new army to the world of Azeroth to create chaos. This new army is not the same as the orcs continued civil strife, it must obey the Burning Legion, brutality, and wholeheartedly carry out their tasks. This time, Kil'jaeden can not fail.
Kil'jaeden control Ner'zhul helplessness that has been continuously tortured soul, and give him a last chance for the Burning Legion service, or let him suffer eternal torment. Again, Ner'zhul recklessly accepted the conditions proposed by the devil, his soul was a carefully crafted into the ice in this collection from the Twisting Nether distant ice as hard as diamond. In the container is loaded after this cold, Ner'zhul felt his ideas expanded several times. The forces of Chaos are the devil twisted Ner'zhul became a ghost-like creatures, that moment, the orc shaman Ner'zhul disappear forever, while the Lich King was born.
Ner'zhul's loyal death knights and Shadowmoon followers clan transformed by the power of the devil. The evil warlock who was torn to pieces and turned into a skeleton-like Lich, demons in this way to ensure that even in death, Ner'zhul's followers were also dead set on his service.
When the time is ripe, Kil'jaeden the Lich King explained his plan: in Azeroth, Ner'zhul spread the plague, the death and panic over Azeroth, and ultimately destroy human civilization. All died in the plague of terror will become the next creature dead, their souls will never be the will of Ner'zhul control. Kil'jaeden the Lich King promised that if he can complete the task of destroying the human world, it can be freed of his curse and get a new healthy body.
Though Ner'zhul eager to complete his task, but Kil'jaeden is still doubt about his loyalty. The soul of the Lich King demon trapped in the ice shell to make sure that he can act in accordance with army orders, but he knew he must be constantly vigilant of the Lich King. To solve this problem, Kil'jaeden called his elite demon guard - Vampire general fear of the devil - to monitor Ner'zhul and ensure that he can complete the task. The most powerful and most cunning Dreadlord Tito de Dios accepted this challenge, the validity of his plague and the Lich King-style massacre in the extinction of the performance on the infinite creativity is full of interest.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

World of Warcraft history - the invasion of Draenor

When the Second War, after the smoke cleared, the Union with a positive attitude and initiatives to solve the problem of orcs in southern Lordaeron a series of internment camps for prisoners captured orcs. In the Paladin and experienced veterans of guards, the shelter made a great success. While the orcs who captured irritability to want to fight, but in the ancient fortress prison under the control of the city 堡敦霍尔德, everything seemed peaceful and orderly.
Nevertheless, in the hellish world de Nord, a new Orc army is ready to once again bloodbath unsuspecting human alliance. Gul'dan mentor Ner'zhul re-assembled the remaining orc clans under his banner. In support of Shadowmoon clan, the old shaman planned to open in Delano a few fans of the portal leading to the New World, in order to strengthen his new portal, he needs to get some of the ancient artifact Azeroth. So, again, Ner'zhul opened the Dark Portal and sent his own army.
Orc tribes in the new and experienced Chiefs - Battle Hymn of the clan of Grom Hellscream and blood cave clan Kier Kellogg dead eyes - the defense forces led ordered alliance alarmed, they swept four weeks the countryside. Precision in Ner'zhul, under the guidance they need to quickly find the orcs artifact and withdrew Delano.
King Terenas of Lordaeron Kingdom has been convinced that the orcs on Azeroth ready to launch a new round of invasion, then summoned his most trusted aide. King Terenas and the command of General Ventura Archmage Khadgar Young led an expedition through the Dark Portal to address the threat of orcs. Tula Young and Khadgar led the troops moved into the Delano, and barren Hellfire Peninsula with Ner'zhul's clans fierce fighting. Even with the high elves Yilei Leah Windrunner, Wildhammer dwarves Kurdran and courageous battle 士达纳斯托 Er Beien help Khadgar Ner'zhul still can not stop the transmission open access to the other world door.
Ner'zhul finally opened a new portal, but he did not foresee that he will pay a terrible price, this portal exudes tremendous energy began to destroy the world, Draenor. Forces in the Tula Young desperate battle to return to Azeroth, the world began to collapse Delano. Grom Hellscream and Kier Kellogg Ner'zhul dead eyes aware of the crazy scheme would destroy their entire race, so they assembled the remnants of Orcs and fled to Azeroth.
In Delano, Tula and Master Yang finally decided to Khadgar to destroy the Dark Portal in their side, although they know he will never leave the Delano, but they also know that this is to ensure that Azeroth is not affected the only way. In the Grom Hellscream and Kier Kellogg dead eyes desperate to be free in the human army to kill to open a way to survive, the Dark Portal exploded behind them. For them, and all the animals to stay in Azeroth to people who want to return to their home has been forever shattered.
Ner'zhul and his Shadowmoon clan of cronies who pass through the biggest new portal, at the same time, a huge volcanic eruption will Delano pieces. Burning oceans will tear the whole continent, and ultimately, Delano was a huge explosion destroyed.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

History of Warcraft - Lordaeron and the Alliance

Compromised in Stormwind Keep, the Sir Lothar regroup the remnants of Azeroth, and led the refugees crossed the waters of migrating to the north of Lordaeron. Seven human leaders reached a consensus: If you do not stop the orc tribes, they will eventually conquer all mankind, so the seven countries to unite to form the Alliance of Lordaeron. Secede from the country Arathor three thousand years for the first time united under the same banner. Been designated as the supreme commander of the Alliance against the will of Sir Lothar to attack the Orc tribes carefully prepared his troops.
In the adjutant Uther Lightbringer, Admiral 戴林普罗德 Moore with the help of Turalyon, Lothar succeeded in making all non-human races of Lordaeron are also aware of the rapidly approaching threat. Successfully from the Alliance in the stubborn dwarves of Ironforge and a small part of the High Elves of Quel'Thalas get support. Anna Siteliya Sunstrider led by the wizard of the impending war, and there is not much interested, but they are still set in order to fulfill the contractual obligations come to the support of Sir Lothar, since Lothar is Arathi final blood, who had several centuries ago to help too high elves human offspring.
Orgrim Doomhammer by the leadership of the Horde brings ogre Delano from home, and those who have been recruited away their homes Amani forest trolls into its own forces. They launched a campaign of unprecedented scale, swept by the dwarves of Khaz Modan ruled mainland and southern regions of Lordaeron, and effortlessly suppress all opposition.
Second War of sporadic conflict from the sea has been extended to large-scale aerial melee. I do not know why, dug orcs known as the Demon Soul a powerful artifact, and use it to enslave the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza. Horde to destroy her precious dragon eggs as a threat to force Alexstrasza to send her grown children who participated in the fighting. The noble red dragons were forced to fight for the Horde.
War throughout Khaz Modan, Lordaeron, and Azeroth. In the North line of battle, the Horde will be a distant kingdom of Quel'Thalas wizard ashes surrounding areas, which makes the elves began to fully assist the Alliance operations. Lordaeron larger towns have been razed to the ground war, despite the lack of reinforcements and overwhelming facing orcs, but Lothar and his allies succeeded to contain the advance of the enemy.
However, in the Second War of the last few days, when the orcs in close proximity to humans when the Allied victory, Azeroth's two most powerful orcs broke out between a terrible split . When Orgrim Doomhammer to attack the capital of Lordaeron - this will be an alliance may be crushed out the last remnants of mankind's offensive - for the final preparations, Gul'dan and his followers trespassing keep away leaving the sea. Horde Gul'dan's betrayal because the lost nearly half of the garrison, fury Doomhammer had to retreat, and therefore missed the best opportunity to defeat the Alliance.
Desperate efforts to obtain heaven Gul'dan obsessed, he sent a search team to look hard to be buried in the seabed of the Tomb of Sargeras that he believed there hidden secrets of ultimate power. Gul'dan has sold all of his fellow orcs to the Legion as a slave, he has not even thought about the so-called due diligence Doomhammer problem. In the twilight hammer Stormreaver clan and clan support, Gul'dan succeeded in finding undersea Tomb of Sargeras. But when he opened the door of this ancient dungeons, Gul'dan found only waiting for his countless crazy devil.
In order to punish those who defected chicken orcs, Doomhammer ordered his troops to kill Gul'dan and escorted back to renegade orcs. Gul'dan for his reckless paid the price, he was released from his crazy demon to pieces. After the death of their leader, renegade clan soon angry Doomhammer Legion defeated. Although the rebellion was suppressed, but the Horde has been unable to compensate for the losses caused by civil strife. Gul'dan's betrayal to the Union not only bring hope, there is time to regroup and launch a counterattack opportunities.
Sir Lothar Horde internally to see a split, seize the opportunity to set his last troops, the orcs have been forced back to the hinterland of the destruction of Azeroth. There, surrounded by the Alliance stronghold of Blackrock Spire the orcs. Although Lothar died in the bottom unfortunate, but his aide Tula Young gathered again at the last moment from the Alliance brothers, the Orc tribes driven into the depths of grief swamp. Tula Young's forces succeeded in destroying the Dark Portal - Orc home that connected the world of Azeroth and Draenor mysterious channels. Supply was cut off with back-Horde forces in the league before finally collapsed.
Divided orc clans soon be driven into the heavily guarded prisoner camps. Although it looks orcs have been completely defeated, but still doubts that peace can last. Grand Master at this time has been well-known high-level Alliance Khadgar convince Nethergarde established to monitor the ruins of the Dark Portal, to ensure that the orcs will not launch a new invasion from the Delano.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

History of Warcraft - Lordaeron and the Alliance

After the storm the fortress compromised, Sir Lothar regroup the remnants of Azeroth, and led the refugees crossed the waters of migrating to the north of Lordaeron. Seven leaders of mankind reached a consensus: If you do not stop Orc tribes, they will eventually conquer all of humanity, so the seven countries to unite to form the Alliance of Lordaeron. Split by the Arathor the first time in three thousand years of national unity under the same banner. Was designated as the supreme commander of the Alliance against the will of Sir Lothar massive invasion of the Orc tribes carefully prepared his troops.
Uther Lightbringer in the adjutant, Moore and Admiral 戴林普罗德 help Turalyon, Lothar succeeded in making all non-human races of Lordaeron also aware of fast approaching threat. Successfully from the Alliance in Ironforge dwarves and the persistence of a small part of the High Elves of Quel'Thalas get support. Anna Siteliya Sunstrider led by the wizard of the impending war did not much interest, but they are still set in order to fulfill the contractual obligations come to the support of Sir Lothar, Lothar is because the last Arathi blood, who had several centuries ago to help too high elves of human offspring.
Orgrim Doomhammer by the leadership of the Orc tribes brought from home Delano ogre, and took those recruited Amani forest trolls into the homes of their own troops. They launched a campaign of unprecedented scale, swept by the dwarves of Khaz Modan ruled the mainland and southern regions of Lordaeron, and effortlessly suppress all opposition.
Second War of sporadic conflict from the sea has been extended to large-scale aerial dogfight. I do not know why, a dig orcs known as the Demon Soul is a powerful artifact, and used it to enslave the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza. Horde to destroy her precious dragon egg as a threat to force Alexstrasza to send her grown children who participate in the fighting. Noble red dragons were forced to fight for the Horde.
War throughout Khaz Modan, Lordaeron and Azeroth. In the North line of battle, the Horde will be a distant kingdom of Quel'Thalas wizard ashes surrounding areas, which makes the elves began to fully assist the human alliance operations. Lordaeron larger towns have been razed to the ground war, despite the lack of reinforcements and overwhelming facing orcs, but Lothar and his allies succeeded to contain the advance of the enemy.
However, in the second Orc war, the last few days, when the Orc tribes in close proximity to humans when the Allied victory, Azeroth's two most powerful orcs broke out between a terrible split . When Orgrim Doomhammer to attack the capital of Lordaeron - this will be a likely smash out the last remnants of the human alliance offensive - for the final preparations, Gul'dan and his followers trespassing keep leaving the sea away. Horde Gul'dan's betrayal because of the loss of nearly half of the garrison, fury Doomhammer had to retreat, and therefore missed the best opportunity to defeat the Alliance.
Desperate efforts to obtain heaven Gul'dan obsessed, he sent a search team to look hard to be buried in the seabed of the Tomb of Sargeras that he believed there hidden secrets of ultimate power. Gul'dan has sold all of his fellow orcs as slaves to the Burning Legion, he has not even thought about the so-called due diligence Doomhammer problem. In the twilight hammer Stormreaver clan and clan support, Gul'dan succeeded in finding undersea Tomb of Sargeras. But when he opened the door of this ancient dungeons, Gul'dan found only waiting for his countless crazy devil.
In order to punish those who defected to the Orc chicken Doomhammer ordered his troops to kill Gul'dan and escorted back to renegade orcs. Gul'dan for his reckless paid the price, he was released from his crazy devil to pieces. After the death of their leader, renegade clan will soon be angry Doomhammer Legion defeated. Although the rebellion was suppressed, but the Orc tribes have been unable to compensate for the losses caused by civil strife. Gul'dan's betrayal to the Union not only bring hope, there is time to regroup and launch a counterattack opportunities.
See inside Sir Lothar Horde had split, seize the opportunity to set up his last forces, the orcs have been forced back to Azeroth to destroy the hinterland. There, surrounded by the Alliance in the Orc stronghold of Blackrock Spire. Lothar died in the bottom Unfortunately though, but his aide Tula Young at the last moment to regroup from the Alliance brothers, the Orc tribes driven into the depths of the Swamp of Sorrows. Tula Young's forces succeeded in destroying the Dark Portal - Orc home that connected the world of Azeroth and Draenor mystery channel. Supply was cut off with back-Horde forces in the league before finally collapsed.
Divided orc clans soon be driven into the heavily guarded prisoners of war. Although it looks orcs have been completely defeated, but still doubts that peace can last long. Grand Master at this time has been well-known high-level Alliance Khadgar convince Nethergarde established to monitor the ruins of the Dark Portal, to ensure that the orcs will not launch a new invasion from the Delano.