
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

World of Warcraft history - the birth of the Lich King

Ner'zhul and his orcs entered the Twisting Nether - this is an endless darkness in all the world to connect with Inner Senses. Unfortunately, Kil'jaeden and his men are here waiting for the devil Ner'zhul arrival of his party. Kil'jaeden Ner'zhul had vowed to pay the price for his disobedience, and he brutally tortured the old shaman, his body cut down piece of meat. Kil'jaeden well preserved with Ner'zhul's soul, let him endure the pain of dismemberment. While Ner'zhul begged the devil to release him and make him happy soul to die, but the devil only answer him in cold blood, they set a long time ago are still valid under the deed of blood, so Ner'zhul still be of value.
Orcs are not as Legion wished to conquer the world of Azeroth, which had forced Kil'jaeden to establish a new army to the world of Azeroth to create chaos. This new army is not the same as the orcs continued civil strife, it must obey the Burning Legion, brutality, and wholeheartedly carry out their tasks. This time, Kil'jaeden can not fail.
Kil'jaeden control Ner'zhul helplessness that has been continuously tortured soul, and give him a last chance for the Burning Legion service, or let him suffer eternal torment. Again, Ner'zhul recklessly accepted the conditions proposed by the devil, his soul was a carefully crafted into the ice in this collection from the Twisting Nether distant ice as hard as diamond. In the container is loaded after this cold, Ner'zhul felt his ideas expanded several times. The forces of Chaos are the devil twisted Ner'zhul became a ghost-like creatures, that moment, the orc shaman Ner'zhul disappear forever, while the Lich King was born.
Ner'zhul's loyal death knights and Shadowmoon followers clan transformed by the power of the devil. The evil warlock who was torn to pieces and turned into a skeleton-like Lich, demons in this way to ensure that even in death, Ner'zhul's followers were also dead set on his service.
When the time is ripe, Kil'jaeden the Lich King explained his plan: in Azeroth, Ner'zhul spread the plague, the death and panic over Azeroth, and ultimately destroy human civilization. All died in the plague of terror will become the next creature dead, their souls will never be the will of Ner'zhul control. Kil'jaeden the Lich King promised that if he can complete the task of destroying the human world, it can be freed of his curse and get a new healthy body.
Though Ner'zhul eager to complete his task, but Kil'jaeden is still doubt about his loyalty. The soul of the Lich King demon trapped in the ice shell to make sure that he can act in accordance with army orders, but he knew he must be constantly vigilant of the Lich King. To solve this problem, Kil'jaeden called his elite demon guard - Vampire general fear of the devil - to monitor Ner'zhul and ensure that he can complete the task. The most powerful and most cunning Dreadlord Tito de Dios accepted this challenge, the validity of his plague and the Lich King-style massacre in the extinction of the performance on the infinite creativity is full of interest.