
Saturday, June 4, 2011

A copy of World of Warcraft - Molten Core introduction

Is the "World of Warcraft," the first real copy of Rock Hill is located within the eastern part of the Kingdom of the black depths of Blackrock Depths. Here is the call of the elements by the Blackstone dwarf lords Balrog Ragnaros (Ragnaros) nest. In the Molten Core players need to face the powerful ten BOSS.

Molten Core is largely the creation of three hundred years ago, the war hammer occurs. Thaurissan defeat in combat by the Great Dwarf gates of copper to the foot of Black Rock Hill, when Emperor Thaurissan summoned to turn the tide and going out of the devil to help him deal with the enemy, but the good death is not a bad call out of the ordinary demon called Level things. (Description, when mentioned Blackrock Depths)

He is being summoned, when banished by the Titans back to the fire of the Lord empty elements - Ragnaros, as one of the most powerful elements of lords, the first World of Warcraft forty copies of the final BOSS, Balrog has a strong power.
In ancient times, in order to defend their god of the ancient faith, Ragnaros lords had with the other three elements of Mother Seurat stone Thain, Windrider Aura Kiel and hunting tidal force against those who led the resistance to Putu Long gods, but in the end defeat was imprisoned in the Elemental Plane.

Great breakthrough Thaurissan control it it is saying the same magic in a space-time elements brought the flame back in the black Rock Hill and surrounding areas into an active volcano but also the way to kill Emperor Thaurissan. As for the copper to be Wildhammer dwarves dwarves and the coalition, any of the brain suddenly see so big only the element of fire from the mountains rushed out and ran normal. Bronzebeard Ironforge dwarves home repair and return to Grim Batol found it had rotted Wildhammer dwarves are moved to the Peak. The Dark Iron dwarves becomes Ragnaros's errand child in this world.

And finally return to the world of Azeroth is Ragnaros, into the period of dormancy, the Molten Core, led to the Majordomo flames Walker (Flamewaker) troops, coupled with its lovely pets Magmadar, the wind of two Rebel Prince and Baron Geddon Garr, and the lava from the magma was born with a giant Golemagg empty guard the underground cave.

Years ago, the elements of war, with the two men wind betrayal Prince Sunderland, Sunderland Ragnaros to absorb most of the essence and energy of the remaining seal Sunderland detained by the wind in the Skull Jewelry among the more to the jewelry into two, had betrayed them to the Prince of Calcutta and Baron Geddon.
So the player must first face to face about the death of the war, go to learn the essence of Ragnaros to the resurrection of Sunderland, and then KO it and tossed it into the sword to go inside.

The vanity of Ragnaros the main city in the element called Sulfuron fortress (Sulfuron Stronghold), so not sure Sulfuron in the end is the master of Ragnaros flame elements or their country.

In the Molten Core players need to face the powerful ten BOSS, are: Luxi furlongs (Lucifron) Magmadar (Magmadar) Jihe Corners (Gehennas) Gal (Garr) Baron Geddon (Baron Geddon ) Shasta Lal (Shazzrah) Sulfuron pioneer (Sulfuron Harbinger) incineration Gulei Man (Golemagg the Incinerator) Majordomo and Ragnaros the Firelord himself.