
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wow Gold Guides-Great Places for Questing

Cataclysm brings many changes, but perhaps the most devastating of these changes is the loss of towns and cities that we know and love. Of course, we don 'have not visited these places since we were level 20, but despite this they always have a special place in our hearts. Players have two fast way to level 20,power leveling from wow gold suppliers or do quests.The towns of Auberdine and Southshore are two great places for questing.

Both are located in areas of lower level of these cities, these cities, despite their status apparently forgotten, will bring back fond memories almost does matter which player of the Horde and the Alliance. Alas, these two cities will be ravaged and left in ruins is both a victim of the irresistible force in Cataclysm. With doom at hand what better way to celebrate old memories and good times at both these locations than visiting the local inn and downing a few with some good friends. Just head on over to Southshore and Auberdine and drink a few in honor of the past and to drown out the thought of the not so bright future.

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