
Friday, September 30, 2011

World of warcraft history-draenor invasion

When the second war over the orc smoke after, the league with positive attitude and measures to solve the problems in southern lordaeron established a series of prisoners held captive for shelter, the orcs. In the paladin and veteran guard, shelter has been a huge success. Although those captured the orc irritable to to want to carry on the fight, but in the old castle prison durnholde lookouts under the control of the fortress, everything appears peace and in perfect order.

Even so, in hell's world, a draenor new orc forces have been ready to wash again defenseless human alliance. The teacher's iggulden resistance fathers to will remain the orcs clan was centred under the banner of him. In shadow moons, under the support of old sa full in the plan to draenor fans several open to a new portal, in order to strengthen his new portal, he needs to make some ancient artifacts from azeroth. And so, Obama again resistance fathers opens the dark portal, and sent the following his troops.

New orc tribes in the rich experience of the emirates-the warsong clan grom hellscream and of the powerful bleeding hollow clan qier los case · death of eyes, with the alliance defense forces ordered frightened, they swept across the country around. In Obama's precision fathers resistance under the guidance of the orcs, quickly find their need artifact and withdrew draenor.

Lordaeron the kingdom king terenas, convinced that the orcs have ready to launch a new round of invasion of azeroth, so called him the most trusted aide. King terenas, command figure pull general Yang and archmages khadgar led an expedition through the dark portal to solve the orcish threat. Figure pull Yang and khadgar led troops pulled into the draenor, and down the hellfire peninsula with Obama on resistance of fierce fighting fathers clan. Even with the high elves YiLei leah · popular the, the dwarf library the virtuous orchid · pretty hammer and hardy warriors Dana Lawrence torre bain help, khadgar still can't stop Obama resistance to other world fathers open the portal.

Eventually he opened a new fathers resistance through the gate, but he failed to foresee that he will pay a terrible price, the portal place sends out of the great energy began to destroy draenor world. In the figure, the troops in order to return to Yang azeroth struggle in a fight to the death, the world begins to draenor collapse. Grom hellscream and qier los case · dead eyes consciousness to the crazy plan's resistance fathers will destroy their whole race, and they assembled the remnants of the orc and fled to azeroth.

In draenor, figure pull Yang and mage khadgar finally decided on their side, although the dark portal destruction they understand oneself will never leave draenor, but they also know that this is to ensure that the influence of azeroth the only method. In grom hellscream and qier los case · death in order to get free eye desperate in human troops kill open our way out the door, the dark behind the explosion. For them, and all the beasts in azeroth for people to return to their home, the hope has never end.

Obama and his resistance fathers who shadow moons cronies through the biggest new portal, at the same time, a huge volcanic eruption draenor tore into fragments. The burning of the ocean will tear the entire continent, in the end, the draenor was a massive explosion destroyed.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

World of Warcraft history - and the Alliance of Lordaeron

After the storm the fortress compromised, Sir Lothar regroup the remnants of Azeroth, and led the refugees crossed the waters of migrating to the north of Lordaeron. Seven leaders of mankind reached a consensus: If you do not stop Orc tribes, they will eventually conquer all of humanity, so the seven countries to unite to form the Alliance of Lordaeron. Split by the Arathor the first time in three thousand years of national unity under the same banner. Was designated as the supreme commander of the Alliance against the will of Sir Lothar massive invasion of the Orc tribes carefully prepared his troops.
Uther Lightbringer in the adjutant, Moore and Admiral help Turalyon, Lothar succeeded in making all non-human races of Lordaeron also aware of fast approaching threat. Successfully from the Alliance in Ironforge dwarves and the persistence of a small part of the High Elves of Quel'Thalas get support. Anna Siteliya Sunstrider led by the wizard of the impending war did not much interest, but they are still set in order to fulfill the contractual obligations come to the support of Sir Lothar, Lothar is because the last Arathi blood, who had several centuries ago to help too high elves of human offspring.
Orgrim Doomhammer by the leadership of the Orc tribes brought from home Delano ogre, and took those recruited Amani forest trolls into the homes of their own troops. They launched a campaign of unprecedented scale, swept by the dwarves of Khaz Modan ruled the mainland and southern regions of Lordaeron, and effortlessly suppress all opposition.
Second War of sporadic conflict from the sea has been extended to large-scale aerial dogfight. I do not know why, a dig orcs known as the Demon Soul is a powerful artifact, and used it to enslave the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza. Horde to destroy her precious dragon egg as a threat to force Alexstrasza to send her grown children who participate in the fighting. Noble red dragons were forced to fight for the Horde.
War throughout Khaz Modan, Lordaeron and Azeroth. In the North line of battle, the Horde will be a distant kingdom of Quel'Thalas wizard ashes surrounding areas, which makes the elves began to fully assist the human alliance operations. Lordaeron larger towns have been razed to the ground war, despite the lack of reinforcements and overwhelming facing orcs, but Lothar and his allies succeeded to contain the advance of the enemy.
However, in the second Orc war, the last few days, when the Orc tribes in close proximity to humans when the Allied victory, Azeroth's two most powerful orcs broke out between a terrible split . When Orgrim Doomhammer to attack the capital of Lordaeron - this will be a likely smash out the last remnants of the human alliance offensive - for the final preparations, Gul'dan and his followers trespassing keep leaving the sea away. Horde Gul'dan's betrayal because of the loss of nearly half of the garrison, fury Doomhammer had to retreat, and therefore missed the best opportunity to defeat the Alliance.
Desperate efforts to obtain heaven Gul'dan obsessed, he sent a search team to look hard to be buried in the seabed of the Tomb of Sargeras that he believed there hidden secrets of ultimate power. Gul'dan has sold all of his fellow orcs as slaves to the Burning Legion, he has not even thought about the so-called dedicated Doomhammer issue. In the twilight hammer Stormreaver clan and clan support, Gul'dan succeeded in finding undersea Tomb of Sargeras. But when he opened the door of this ancient dungeons, Gul'dan found only waiting for his countless crazy devil.
In order to punish those who defected to the Orc chicken Doomhammer ordered his troops to kill Gul'dan and escorted back to renegade orcs. Gul'dan for his reckless paid the price, he was released from his crazy devil to pieces. After the death of their leader, renegade clan will soon be angry Doomhammer Legion defeated. Although the rebellion was suppressed, but the Orc tribes have been unable to compensate for the losses caused by civil strife. Gul'dan's betrayal to the Union not only bring hope, there is time to regroup and launch a counterattack opportunities.
See inside Sir Lothar Horde had split, seize the opportunity to set up his last forces, the orcs have been forced back to Azeroth to destroy the hinterland. There, surrounded by the Alliance in the Orc stronghold of Blackrock Spire. Lothar died in the bottom Unfortunately though, but his aide Tula Young at the last moment to regroup from the Alliance brothers, the Orc tribes driven into the depths of the Swamp of Sorrows. Tula Young's forces succeeded in destroying the Dark Portal - Orc home that connected the world of Azeroth and Draenor mystery channel. Supply was cut off with back-Horde forces in the league before finally collapsed.
Divided orc clans soon be driven into the heavily guarded prisoners of war. Although it looks orcs have been completely defeated, but still doubts that peace can last long. Grand Master at this time has been well-known high-level Alliance Khadgar convince Nethergarde established to monitor the ruins of the Dark Portal, to ensure that the orcs will not launch a new invasion from the Delano.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The history of World of Warcraft - Dark Portal with the fall of Stormwind

Kil'jaeden full swing so that when the tribes to prepare for the invasion of Azeroth when Medivh Sargeras still compete with the control of their own soul. Ryan King of Stormwind who gradually eroded the soul of the dark atmosphere Medivh uneasy and worried about their own informed - Arathi last blood, Ryan appointed military commander of the king himself. However, they are not able to imagine Matt Damon will gradually fall into madness what kind of disaster.

Sargeras to Gul'dan promised Road, led by tribal invasion if Gul'dan promised to Azeroth, then he will give Gul'dan powerful force in return. He told through the mouth of Medivh Gul'dan, if he can find a thousand years ago Guardian Aegwynn sealed underwater wreckage of the tomb of Sargeras, he can become master of the world. Gul'dan accept the conditions of Sargeras, and decided after defeating the indigenous people of Azeroth to find the legendary tomb and ask for his deserved reward. In recognition of his animal control people will obey, the orcs began to invade Sargeras command action.

Matt Damon and Shadow Council Warlock together known as the Dark Portal to open a space channel. The channel connection Azeroth and Draenor, and large enough to allow through the entire unit. Gul'dan dispatched orc scouts through the Dark Portal to reconnoitre the piece they are about to conquer the continent, brought back intelligence to scout the shadow of Parliament to win Azeroth sure the time is ripe.

Durotan still think that Gul'dan's corruption would lead to tribal extinction, he again protested to the warlocks. The Warriors claimed that moving away from high-Shang Chunjie warlock orc spirit, and they end this reckless invasion of orcs will bring bad luck. As Gul'dan not risk killing such a famous hero, he would count applied Durotan and his exile to Frostwolves the periphery to the New World.

In the exiled Frostwolf clan crossed the channel, only a few orc clans followed to the New World. These orcs quickly in the black swamp - a dark side in the storm Wang Guodong marshes - the establishment of military bases. When the orcs began to expand in this new land and exploration, they immediately Stormwind human guards clashed. Although these skirmishes soon ended, but they are parties to the conflict to fully reflect the respective strengths and weaknesses. Ryan and Lothar never not know the exact number of orcs, only guesswork to determine the threats they will face much. A few years later, most of the Orc tribes have entered Azeroth, this time the general offensive launched the human Gul'dan think the time has arrived. Orc tribes gathered from all the forces without the knowledge of Stormwind attacked.

When the humans and orcs in the entire conflict spread to the Kingdom of Azeroth, the warring parties have paid the price. Ryan King can not believe the cruel orcs conquer Azeroth, contemptuously in his capital of Stormwind do anything. However, Sir Lothar think we should direct confrontation with the enemy, which makes the idea he had in his loyalty to the king and make a choice between. Eventually he chose his own instincts, in Medivh's young apprentice Khadgar with the help of Sir Lothar Medivh Master tall tower located in Karazhan launched lightning raids. Khadgar and Lothar succeeded in defeating the guardian of madness - the culprit that caused the war. By trying to destroy Medivh's body, Lothar and Khadgar in inadvertently Sargeras into the abyss of the soul. Medivh pure and kind soul has thus been liberated, and in the astral planes hovering over the years.

Although Medivh had been defeated, but the orcs are still dominant. When the Orc army is about to get the victory, when one of the great Orc chieftain of Orgrim Doomhammer began to notice that kind of time when they still Delano began the spread of corruption in the tribal power. Durotan his old friend to come back from exile, he once again exposed to Gul'dan's treachery. Gul'dan killer Durotan family soon assassinated, leaving his young son. Doomhammer Durotan do not know the blood is only a human Mingjiao Ai de las Lieutenant Blackmoore discovered and treated like a slave, like raising him.

That young orc became well-known leader of the greatest orc.

Orgrim angered by Durotan's death, he began to fall from the evil Horde rescue, eventually killing Gul'dan's puppet he Blackhand replaced as leader of the orc tribes. Under his umbrella, the merciless Orcs eventually launch an attack on Stormwind Keep. Ryan King seriously underestimated the strength of Orc tribes, he helplessly watched his kingdom into the hands of these green-skinned invaders. Eventually, Ryan was the Orcs Jialuo Na - Shadow Council killer in one of the best - the assassination.

Lothar and his warriors returned from Karazhan, hoped that people try to reduce casualties and save their homes. However, they came back too late, and they love the kingdom has turned into ruins. Horde still ravage every inch of land, forced into hiding for Lothar and his companions set a heavy oath, at any cost back to their homes.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

World of Warcraft history - divisions of the world

Illidan knew would destroy the Well of Eternity, where he could no longer draw from the magic energy, so he selfishly betrayed their own people, go to the upper wizard informer. Because of his magical energy of desire and jealousy of Malfurion, Illidan for betraying his brother did not feel guilty. Anyway, Illidan vowed to protect at all costs the Well of Eternity energy.

Malfurion was betrayed Illidan heartbroken, he led his companions deep Ruaisala Temple, when they broke into the temple's main hall, the upper elves are singing their final dark incantation, magic In the depths of the Well of Eternity has created a huge whirlpool. When Sargeras huge shadow will reveal the surface, Malfurion and his partners launched the attack.

However Queen Azshara received Illidan's warning to prepare for this long, almost all of Malfurion's partner was killed by the Queen. Tyrande tried to attack from behind the Queen, but Queen's guards stopped her. Although the guards beat Tyrande, but she has also been hit. Malfurion watched his wife fall in rage, and that he vowed to end Azshara's life.

War going on inside and outside the temple when the Well of Eternity, Illidan appeared in the lake. He brought a few bottles of specially treated, and they are filled with a shining lake. He knew the demons would destroy civilization and the night elves, so he stole some holy water, and its energy for themselves.

Malfurion and Azshara fierce fighting between the so Highborne magic into chaos. Wells eternal vortex eventually exploded and triggered a series of catastrophes. A huge explosion shook the foundations of the Temple, and the whole continent a strong earthquake. In the Burning Legion and the night elves continue their bloody battle at the same time, rough Well of Eternity collapsed.

Disaster like the explosion tear the earth, the sky overcast.

Eternity earthquake triggered the explosion destroyed the skeleton of the world, the sea roared poured into the continent rift. Kalimdor nearly 80 percent of the land is torn, leaving only a small number of fragmented continent around the newly formed ocean. In the center of Xinhai - piece of the Well of Eternity was once a place - chaotic swirls of energy is a huge whirlpool. This terrible scar known as the Maelstrom, it will never cease to crazy spinning. This is the remains of that big disaster, but also means that a good end of an era ... ...

However Queen Azshara and the Highborne elite inexplicably survived from the disaster. Queen Azshara and his followers released by the power of their torture and twist the Well of Eternity was dragged into the roar of the explosion under the sea.

Cursed deformation elves get a new form, a hate-filled serpentine Naga people. Queen Azshara's own hatred and anger continued to expand and become a serious abnormal state, showing that she has hidden in the heart of evil and hatred.

The bottom in the large whirlpool, Naga City to establish a new Na Shata to reunite forces. Years, the Naga people will reproduce the ground.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

World of Warcraft history - the rise of tribal

Gul'dan and his Shadow in Parliament under the control of animal people become increasingly aggressive. They built a grand arena, the animal killing people in which to hone the skills and experience of war and death. During this period, a small part of the clan chief for the fall race expressed strong dissatisfaction, which Frostwolf chieftain Durotan would caution that the orcs had lost while in the self-hatred and fury being. However, he warned about no one to listen to some of the powerful clan chiefs - such as Warsong Clan Grom Hellscream - has come out to meet the full new era of war and conquest.

Although the orc clans Kil'jaeden know basically ready, but he still need to confirm the absolute loyalty of his orcs. He secretly summoned by the Shadow Council destroyer Mannoroth - full of violent desire to destroy the devil. Gul'dan will also bring together the clan chiefs, and to convince them that their fury at drink Mannoroth's blood will become invincible. In addition to Durotan, all the clan chiefs are led by Grom Hellscream drank the blood of violent, this will be their fate completely to the devil, to become slaves of the Burning Legion. In the blood of Mannoroth the lure, the chiefs do not consciously desire to spread to conquer absolute trust among their compatriots.

Orc completely engulfed by this bloodthirsty curse, ready to vent any anger block their people. Gul'dan think the time is ripe, it will be another joint conquest of the various clans into a unified, unstoppable Horde. However, taking into account some of the chiefs such as Grom Hellscream and Doomhammer Orgrim may be the position of supreme commander to each other after a dispute, Gul'dan set up a puppet chiefs to rule the new tribe . Blackhand the Destroyer, an unusual depravity and evil leader, was selected as a Gul'dan's puppet. In the Blackhand's command, the orcs began to use the simplicity of the Delaney test their fighting ability.

A few months later, the tribe nearly eradicated Delaney Delano across the continent's people, only a small part of the Draenei Orc survivors linger to avoid the terrible fury. Victory and proud because Gul'dan day indulging in the power and authority among the tribes. However, he knows, if not you can kill the enemy orcs will slaughter because they can not control the desire for destruction in the endless civil war.

Kil'jaeden also aware tribe has been completely ready, the Burning Legion in the hands of orcs has become the most powerful weapon. He put the news to his master, Sargeras also think that his time for revenge has finally arrived.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Warcraft history-aegwynn and long

In seven of the human kingdom between the political struggle to break out of the military, the guardian still perform their duties against chaos. In this many years had DuoRen as a keeper, but at the same time only a man can have mention rui si puja magic power. As this era of one of the guardian, she is a enough to compete with the darkness of the powerful warrior evil. Aegwynn, the enthusiasm of human girl, won the mention rui si puja recognition, and was awarded the guardian's cloak. Aegwynn energetic, hunting and eradicate every she find evil demons, but she always to be male monopoly lift to the power of the force said he skeptical. She believes that from the ancient elves and elders mastery of the parliament thought already too old, can't give the narrow vision command against chaos decisive. Hyperactivity long boring talk and debate to make her feel extremely impatient, her desire to prove himself to the superior and companions of the value. So often in many critical brave but made some sensible things to come.

As she by the master of the tirisfal strength increasing, aegwynn beginning to pay attention to some of the YuBingXue latent covered in northrend mighty demon. She rode all the way to the north, and into the mountains in tracking demons. There, she found that the demons are hunting a surviving attempt to draw these old, ancient creatures inherently magical. These deliberately to avoid the changing of human society and powerful of the burning legion's demonic sufficient play was tight. Aegwynn dragonkin in under the help of the destroyed that the demons, in the last a demon vanished from this world, a huge storm appeared in the north. A huge dark figure appeared in northrend, the burning legion over the princes of the king of-demon sargeras appeared in aegwynn, sending out the eyes of the whole hell of a energy. He told the guardian of the young, the era of puja said he will be over, the world will be the burning legion conquered.

The proud aegwynn that you have the ability to fight against the god of general devil, she releases the body strength against sargeras body. Much to her expectations, aegwynn very easily knocked down the king of the devil, and successfully destroyed sargeras body. For fear of sargeras soul wandering still more than, naive aegwynn will his body was a wreck seal in when the well of eternity exploded sunk to the bottom of the ancient halls. Aegwynn didn't realize that she's just is a sargeras expected. She is in casual set the destiny of the world of azeroth, because the soul of sargeras has in his body the moment of death into the aegwynn weak body. In young guardian without the knowledge of the case, sargeras will in her soul lurking in the dark side of the very long time.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Warcraft history-the seven kingdoms

Rapids continue to play a central role of arathor, but and dalaran, as many new cities in mainland lordaeron gradually builds up. Gilneas, alterac, and kohl tiras, are the first set up, although these cities each city has their own customs and trade activities, but they are unanimous in listens to the rapids.

In 1 rui si puja careful monitoring of the vigilant, dalaran became this land of main magic learning center. Rule of dalaran to admit the document was manasseh founded the Ken Rachel's parliament, the sectarian special be responsible for a record and the research they found that each and every one of the magic and each a magic item.

Jill, nice and the rapids alterac become strong supporters, and development had a strong army, their expedition to exploring the south of khaz modan mountains of the rolling land. In this period, human beings first met ancient racial dwarves, they travelling to short people's underground city-ironforge. Human and share many dwarves metal forging and engineering knowledge, and discovered that they tell the story of combat and have common interests.

Kohl tiras, city built on south of lordaeron a huge island, they developed based on fishery and ocean shipping the prosperity based on trade. With the passage of time, kohl tiras, established a strong merchant fleet, they all known through the region, in all over the world search for trade and selling of treasures. But, although more and more prosperous kingdom of arathor, but it is the most powerful core but started to fall apart.

At this time, the rapids lords gradually began to put their property transferred to prosperous lordaeron northern areas, will be poor southern abandoned no heed. The king's successor, butyl sola arathi bloodline last children--have argued they shouldn't give up rapids, therefore brought desperate to leave those same of high order citizens of discontent. Rapids of the lords decided to drop their ancient city, expect to the uncivilized northern to seek the pure and enlightenment. In the north of dalaran very far of the place, the Lord of the rapids who set up a new city, it is called lordaeron, this whole continent name is derived from this city. Lordaeron became a pilgrims and all the search for inner peace who longed for resort.

Arathi children were lost in the rapids to collapse in the wall of that, so they decided to go to the south of khaz modan Rocky Mountains. Many a long year past, they finally came to an end his trip in mainland China, the north's a name of azeroth local settled down. They in a rich set up a storm in the valley of the kingdom, and soon here becomes a own ability place. Self-sufficiency.

And a few warriors still in rapids, they decided to continue to live in there, guarding their ancient city city. Rapids have not empire's central, but it gradually developed into a new city countries-the fort rapids. Although each city in their jurisdiction prosperity up arathor empire, but completely apart. With every country development had their own customs and beliefs, the difference between each city is more and more big. Sola king of the human dream butyl unified finally with the wind lift.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Warcraft history-the ironforge dwarves awakening

In the titans leave after azeroth, they create the spirit of the earth continue to sculpt and guarded the depths of the world. Soil spirit in largely don't care about living in the ground the RACES of affairs, they focus on exploring the world underground.

The well of eternity was an explosion of azeroth tear the world at the same time, also deeply affected soil spirit. With the suffering of the earth they from the big hit, and therefore losing our consciousness, will himself in the birth of their closed in the Chambers. Mr Of ord, uldum and Mr Drew is built in the first of the soil spirit named after the ancient Titan city. And now, the city was deeply buried in the ground, soil spirit here to sleep for nearly 8000 years.

While it is not clear what woke them, but finally one day, he's the spirit of soil from a deep sleep in woke up. These soil found his body in spirit during deep sleep has changed very greatly. They had as stone hard skin soft and smooth, they control the earth and stone ability also become weak a lot. They become more common creatures.

They saw themselves as "little men", these rare earth left the spirit of Manchester city's, in the world of azeroth gradually revive everywhere in the exploration. Because they were still deep underground and attracted the mystery of security, so short people on land in the highest mountain in the built a huge kingdom. They take the construction of the Titan, the god of the name of the twins for his kingdom, called "named khaz modan" or "of take the peak". Short people for his own Titan built the altar, and father of the mountain peaks in the central to build a great melting pot. From then on, a known as ironforge at this city is now next arose.

The dwarf natural gem and indulge in processing, like in the deep mountain rock ore mining rare mineral deposits. They are content with their work, and out of the ground on the other RACES each other is exchanges.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

World of warcraft history-the tirisfal protector

Due to the north have no troll threat, quayle salas elves have begun to rebuild their homes, and the victorious army arathor returned to their homes to the south of the rapids. Of arathor human society gradually development and prosperity up, then sola due to concerns about his country butyl continues to expand down sooner or later can fall apart, has tried to keep the rapids in central position in the kingdom. In the kingdom of arathor after many years of peaceful development and trade, great sola, butyl died of arathor a younger generation began to free a rapids extension beyond the borders kingdom.

The original 100 who taught by elves of the mage to continue to strengthen their power, and a more detailed study with how to manipulate the mysterious subject. Spell These mage at first because of their strong will and noble soul was chosen to of, they also always hold responsible for state of mind to be careful use of magic. However, when they put the magic power transmission and secret to a new generation of hand, those young people after the war and the necessity of the harsh homemade completely not the concept. The young wizards have gradually started to selfish interests use magic, and not to protect compatriots responsibility.

Along with the development of the kingdom, the new land is open up, the young wizards are also came to the south. The wizard to display their mysterious power, protect their compatriots from beast attacks, and make the desolate in the city to build new become possible. But with their power is more and more big, they become more and more complacent, and social also becomes more and more tenuous.

The second city of arathor dalaran in north of rapids established, many cub wizard left the depressive rapids to dalaran, expect here can be more free to use their new got strength. These mage made dalaran magic minarets, fanaticism on magic research. The residents of dalaran respect the sorcerer, and in their efforts to study under the protection of the established a busy trade system. However, as more and more the sorcerer use magic, dalaran the space around become brittle and began to break down.

Because of dalaran mage no restraint in the use of that magic, some in the well of eternity crashed out of the burning legion minion is bringing back the world. Although these relatively weak demons and no large appear, but they still in dalaran caused some confusion. Most with the demons encounter is all some scattered events, and the government and parliament admit the document was make the effort put these events from the public gaze cover up. Some of the most powerful wizard was sent to capture these sly devil, but usually they will find these powerful claws of the burning legion while just fighting alone, but they are too strong far beyond what they can deal with limits.

After a few months the superstitious farmers began to doubt whether they wizard rulers who are interested they hide some terrible things, as cranky citizens who once they questioned the praise of the mage motivation and action, the rumors about revolution began the rounds up. Because otherwise the document was manasseh parliament worry farmers, an uprising in turn rapids to take some action against them, and they have to--they think the only elves may understand myself now face special problem's Allies, for help.

Listening to admit the document was manasseh about demons in parliament dalaran activities after the report, the elves quickly their greatest necromancer are sent to the human territory. The elves necromancer studied dalaran energy flow, and then they witnessed for every evil activity wrote detailed report. Their conclusion is, although there are only few demons in the world, but if people keep ravaged the magic word, the burning legion abuse of the world is still a great threat that cannot be ignored.

The elves of silvermoon quayle salas rule parliament and manasseh dalaran, the parliament admit carat lords made a secret contract. The elves and the document was otherwise told parliament about the ancient kalimdor and the burning legion of history, those who still threatening the world of the past. They tell the human, as long as they still use magic, will have to think of a way to protect their children from the threat of the burning legion. And to admit the document was proposed to parliament to their collective power granted a strongest mortals, let him come with the burning legion a secret war never end. Due to worry that people will fear and suspicion and riots, they emphasize that can never let most humans know guardian's existence or the threat of the burning legion. The elves agree, and set up a secret society to supervise the election and help curb guardian chaos in the world looked up.

In the community of the shadow of the tirisfal held secret meeting forest, and that place is the elves first lordaeron settled in place. Therefore, they put a secret organization named the tirisfal guardian. The strongest of all the people was selected for the guardian, given contains elves and humans the awesome power of magic. Although the guardian alone, but because is always have such a powerful strength, so no matter what the place where they can all by ourselves force to resist the burning legion. Because of the extreme strong force guardian, so that only said he has the power to force from the mage with potential select enough to inherit the mantle guardian. No matter when, when a guardian too aging, or gets tired of the secret war against and evil, parliament will choose a new the strong, the gridhrakuta mountain in under the condition of the power of the guardian formally into this new agents of the body.

With the passage of time, the guardian have been secretly guarantee mankind from all over arathor and the quayle salas claws of the burning legion of damage. Arathor around the country with universal and prosperity of the magic, and at the same time, the guardian also continue to carefully monitor the activities of the devil.