
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Warcraft history-the seven kingdoms

Rapids continue to play a central role of arathor, but and dalaran, as many new cities in mainland lordaeron gradually builds up. Gilneas, alterac, and kohl tiras, are the first set up, although these cities each city has their own customs and trade activities, but they are unanimous in listens to the rapids.

In 1 rui si puja careful monitoring of the vigilant, dalaran became this land of main magic learning center. Rule of dalaran to admit the document was manasseh founded the Ken Rachel's parliament, the sectarian special be responsible for a record and the research they found that each and every one of the magic and each a magic item.

Jill, nice and the rapids alterac become strong supporters, and development had a strong army, their expedition to exploring the south of khaz modan mountains of the rolling land. In this period, human beings first met ancient racial dwarves, they travelling to short people's underground city-ironforge. Human and share many dwarves metal forging and engineering knowledge, and discovered that they tell the story of combat and have common interests.

Kohl tiras, city built on south of lordaeron a huge island, they developed based on fishery and ocean shipping the prosperity based on trade. With the passage of time, kohl tiras, established a strong merchant fleet, they all known through the region, in all over the world search for trade and selling of treasures. But, although more and more prosperous kingdom of arathor, but it is the most powerful core but started to fall apart.

At this time, the rapids lords gradually began to put their property transferred to prosperous lordaeron northern areas, will be poor southern abandoned no heed. The king's successor, butyl sola arathi bloodline last children--have argued they shouldn't give up rapids, therefore brought desperate to leave those same of high order citizens of discontent. Rapids of the lords decided to drop their ancient city, expect to the uncivilized northern to seek the pure and enlightenment. In the north of dalaran very far of the place, the Lord of the rapids who set up a new city, it is called lordaeron, this whole continent name is derived from this city. Lordaeron became a pilgrims and all the search for inner peace who longed for resort.

Arathi children were lost in the rapids to collapse in the wall of that, so they decided to go to the south of khaz modan Rocky Mountains. Many a long year past, they finally came to an end his trip in mainland China, the north's a name of azeroth local settled down. They in a rich set up a storm in the valley of the kingdom, and soon here becomes a own ability place. Self-sufficiency.

And a few warriors still in rapids, they decided to continue to live in there, guarding their ancient city city. Rapids have not empire's central, but it gradually developed into a new city countries-the fort rapids. Although each city in their jurisdiction prosperity up arathor empire, but completely apart. With every country development had their own customs and beliefs, the difference between each city is more and more big. Sola king of the human dream butyl unified finally with the wind lift.