
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Warcraft history-the ironforge dwarves awakening

In the titans leave after azeroth, they create the spirit of the earth continue to sculpt and guarded the depths of the world. Soil spirit in largely don't care about living in the ground the RACES of affairs, they focus on exploring the world underground.

The well of eternity was an explosion of azeroth tear the world at the same time, also deeply affected soil spirit. With the suffering of the earth they from the big hit, and therefore losing our consciousness, will himself in the birth of their closed in the Chambers. Mr Of ord, uldum and Mr Drew is built in the first of the soil spirit named after the ancient Titan city. And now, the city was deeply buried in the ground, soil spirit here to sleep for nearly 8000 years.

While it is not clear what woke them, but finally one day, he's the spirit of soil from a deep sleep in woke up. These soil found his body in spirit during deep sleep has changed very greatly. They had as stone hard skin soft and smooth, they control the earth and stone ability also become weak a lot. They become more common creatures.

They saw themselves as "little men", these rare earth left the spirit of Manchester city's, in the world of azeroth gradually revive everywhere in the exploration. Because they were still deep underground and attracted the mystery of security, so short people on land in the highest mountain in the built a huge kingdom. They take the construction of the Titan, the god of the name of the twins for his kingdom, called "named khaz modan" or "of take the peak". Short people for his own Titan built the altar, and father of the mountain peaks in the central to build a great melting pot. From then on, a known as ironforge at this city is now next arose.

The dwarf natural gem and indulge in processing, like in the deep mountain rock ore mining rare mineral deposits. They are content with their work, and out of the ground on the other RACES each other is exchanges.